Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Social Decline Irreversible?

 - The selfish cycle is irreversible because the appearance of a selfish majority means the community has lost its attachment to its morality; the source of its strength and understanding has gone. The rational and disciplined society has become irrational and undisciplined. The communal understanding has died, only the appearance remains, but eventually even this will wither. The traditions, habits and laws which gave form to the community will slowly be discarded by each subsequent generation. The result will be increasing communal dementia with diminishing communal strength — a society floundering into increasing senility. That is why I only talk one solution for politics- the removal of immunity by the introduction of fiduciary law.

1 comment:

  1. When a civilization declines it has stopped getting stronger and cleverer, but has started to become sillier and weaker; it has gone into reverse. This waning is the result of a reversal in the process by which a community constantly renews itself — the way it rears its children.

    "So long as the young generation is, and continues to be, well brought up, our ship of state will have a fair voyage; otherwise the consequences are better left unspoken." — Plato, Laws
