Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Facebook Chat with Helen Clark

Hi Helen. Bill English has invited kiwi for ideas for a NZ Constitution. I have been circulating this and would be keen for your thoughts. “We the people own our government and so require that any person within that structure are fully accountable to a jury for any breach of fiduciary duty of care”...under the current system we simply can't hold politicians or judges to account when they mess up.
21 hours ago ·  ·  · See Friendship

    • Helen Clark Elected representatives are held accountable through the electoral process - by those who go out to vote. In a democracy that should be the basic means of accountability in my view. Judges should enjoy independence in their work & not be subjected to intimidation & campaigns.
      16 hours ago · 

    • Christopher Mark Wingate 
      Thank you for the reply. How can individual members of parliament be held accountable for failing their duty of care to private individuals in their and other electorates ? A victim[s] has the right to vote,- like big deal- how does that solve the failure? Fiduciary failure may be occurring to lots of individuals and the mass may not be aware of it. As for the judiciary don't they need to held accountable when they fail their duty of care- and why not? It's a tired statement to suggest they don't get it wrong they should enjoy the right to get away with it. Australian retired Chief Justice Murray Gleeson said access to law has become obsessed with monopolizing a cash flow structure rather than being a justice service. I think that serves as a good warning something is wrong.Given human nature is to go with the pack I am guessing his warning will fall in deaf ears of the others enjoying the benefits of the cash flow and power legal society monopolize.

      15 hours ago · 

      • Christopher Mark Wingate I have made the point for years that the politicians and judges hold total control- all failings can be put at their feet, but they can ignore it, as they actually do. I ask, is that where the problems lay in this world, political, judicial, bureaucratic leaders who can make huge mistakes but then have the power to cover it up. Is accountability of those who control us a human right ? Is a human right the right to hold accountable our leaders, or are we to accept our leaders can use their power to make mistakes that creates victims and nothing is going to be done about it ? Is that fair Helen?
        2 seconds ago · 

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