Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Brendan Mulholland Kiwi Village Idiot

I thought I would publish this letter I sent to Brendan Mulholland the former head of NZ Crown Lands. Sadly too many arms of government have these types of people in positions of power and the damage they do is enormous. 

Brendan Mulholland
Former Head of Crown Lands
Current Position- Advisor- Crown Lands
New Zealand

In 1994 you made the sole decision to do all you can to support Ngai Terangi Iwi obtain ownership of Matakana island's 10,000 acres of forestry land. 

I recall you saying the land was sacred and it needed to be protected. Then when the Maori team of TeKotukutuku needed your help with OIC and LSP support for American group Blakely to purchase half or 5000 acres of sacred Matakana land you again assisted in that effort with great zeal. As you would recall Don Shaw on behalf of NgaiTerangi said in writing the Waitangi claims would cease if they got ownership of the sacred Matakana land. Blakely the tree loving indigenous loving Americans were written up as close to God and were shown as the white knight. 

Today my warnings to you have proven correct. NgaiTerangi own not one part of Matakana Island land you helped them obtain. After TKC sold half the sacred land to Blakely the 5000 acres they kept they sold 3 years ago. All the money went to the leaders of the tribe- Chairman, secretary, accountant and various tribal leaders, Shaw, Ingham, Ngatai, Neill, Palmer etc. They simply ignored their duty to the people they were claiming to look after. I warned you of this. The only genuine Maori, Waitangi claimant Sonny Tawhiao was found in a back seat of a burnt out car just prior to the Privy Council decision because he was screaming the Maori leadership were stealing from the people.

Brendan I write this to you because again and again people with government power like you fuck up. In simple terms you are an idiot with too much power. All of your efforts to help them drowned out what I was saying. And if you had listened Matakana would today be owned by a New Zealand company. Instead I read Blakely are going to develop Matakana. And just in case your brain cannot process what that means, the profit from 5000 acres of Matakana could be as high as NZ$10 billion. Matakana Island is now foreign owned and you Brendan Mulholland help them get it. 

Your stupidness and reckless use of government power resulted in the murder of the only genuine Maori. Although promises were made in writing to the government and High Court that Matakana Waitangi claim would end that too has not been honored. You failed to listen and you failed to put any safety systems in place to protect NZ coastal land. 

I attach the link below which carries all the documents and details of what happened.

You will feature in our film 'The Fiduciary Disguise'.

Christopher Wingate

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