Government is a trust structure and politicians are entrusted the power to manage that structure on behalf of the people who have conferred that power for the purpose of good management. Yet year after year we witness complete incompetence being dished out by our political leaders and nothing is ever done to rectify the problem.
Some may recall that in 1999 I took a civil litigation case from the New Zealand Court of Appeal to the Privy Council in London on the issue of fiduciary responsibilities. Back door dealings, false affidavits, fraud and corruption saw the ownership of Matakana Island transferred to the private hands of the leadership of Ngai Te Rangi under a company called Te Kotukutuku.
With claims the land was sacred and full of burial sites they gained the gullible crowns sympathy yet by 2007 forgetting the claims of sacred and return of traditional critically important land- they sold the lot for $75m. Of course none of that money ever went into the hands of Ngai Te Rangi iwi, it went into the pockets of their leadership some of whom are playing a part in today’s Waitangi negotiations.
In 2007 I also wrote an 88 page paper titled Fiduciary Protection Law for the NZ Ministry of Economic Development. Constitutional law expert Professor Rick Bigwood of Bond University thinks my propositions are unique and ground breaking and Oxford University have offered to have draft fiduciary legislation.
In my writings I highlight the most important fiduciaries in society are the politicians yet they operate behind outdated laws known as Crown or Sovereign Immunity. The immunity comes for the ancient concept that the King can do no wrong in his management. But they screw up all the time and get away with it leaving the taxpayer with the bill.
Matakana and the Bradford decisions are just 2 of thousands that have ruined our once great nation. Politicians argue they need the immunity otherwise every man and dog would be suing them. Doctors and other fiduciary professionals once made that same argument yet as they have been made to account we have seen their professions improve their duty of care.
I think people would agree that it’s time for democracy to be modernised. Crown Immunity could be forcibly backdoor implemented on politicians via their political parties who decide party policy at meetings under a party member proposal and then vote system.
The idea would be to lobby the public and existing members and get them to flood these meetings proposing new party rules regarding the removal of immunity and the introduction of fiduciary law. Once it’s party policy then it’s a short step to legislation.
Politicians would hate it but the public would love it. But once in place, then and only then could we test our political leaders honesty, capability and potential hidden agenda.

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