Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Christchurch Quakes- by Lindsay Breach

Author- Lindsay Breach

This is a very brief account from a Christchurch resident and their thoughts and feelings to the ongoing event cluster and the feeling associated with living it.

The quakes are the hardest of all to explain. They hit in an instance and last only moments but the thoughts and feelings always seem to last longer. It is a combination of adrenaline and shock. This is apparent by the faces of others as you stumble outside. You are scared to be indoors.  

The aftermath is the collapse of the basic infrastructure. In the red zones, odorous raw sewage floods onto the street, which you have no choice but to wade through to get to one point to the next.  

Toileting becomes a matter of creativity. The power and water is, of course, off. During February, this lasted for weeks. Now the infrastructure is in place to have it restored in a day. It’s pleasant to have creature comforts.

Many of the Neighbors are gone now. Empty and unkempt buildings are slowly being reclaimed by nature. Each new tremor tears more of it down. The cracks get deeper and they become more or less ruins of a once beautiful neighborhood. 

A beauty once taken for granted, now wistfully relived in photos. There are so many people whose lives have been drastically changed for the worse. 

Despite, the comparatively good fortune (a habitable place being a luxury in these zones) you wonder what the future holds as an individual. One cannot simply leave due to moral obligations and a sense of duty that is easier to live than explain to others.  Some people will try to hang until it seems impossible.  Simply waiting and hoping for the best until the time is right. 
Red zone moves are of course inevitable; even if some will fight it. There is little appeal in staying though. It is no longer recognisable and living amongst the ruins is constantly depressing. 

You begin to look at other areas with envious eyes and long for what is lost. But people everywhere are apprehensive. 

The question is not if but when will the next big one hit. More importantly: where? The quakes are in the ocean now. This has created a new fear to worry about. 

 The odds are unlikely they say. It is of little real comfort to hear that. Just have to wait and pray for the best. 
Though there is no desire to stay in the immediate area; the forward-thinking question is: what of Christchurch? 

There is hope that if it is steered in the right direction there will be renewal.
It is a mixture of optimism and apprehension living in Christchurch. 

The instinct to flee is definitely present alongside the urge to battle onwards. Either way, it is a matter of continuing as best as one can and hoping. 

Other links
 2011- (9589 quakes)

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