Saturday, August 27, 2011

RIP old New Zealand

After 30 years in my own businesses around the world then dealing in or should I say dealing with NZ, I have concluded Kiwi in the majority are socialists at heart largely driven I think by the need to take from those more successful than them.

Leading their charge has been politically correct vote seeking politicians who have eroded from the required dutiful fiduciary "duty of care" leaders, to self-seeking vote grabbing parasites which is a fall from competence to incompetence at the nation’s expense.

The result is plain to see. NZ is at the bottom of the list in so many areas. Of huge concern to anyone with a brain is the fact that NZ is now the 3rd most indebted nation in the OECD largely due to endless funding of lazy bums endlessly demanding they be looked after at the expense of the tax payers of which very few are export owners hence the need to borrow from offshore. Add to that rising crime, social and racial disorder you will get the picture if you have woken up or never been under the hypnotic state of Kiwi Lalaland.

Sadly this spiralling downward cycle is irreversible because the nation has the backbone character of a selfish drunk blinded with apathy which means the community has lost its attachment to reality and morality and so the source of its strength and understanding has gone. Now led by ill-disciplined leaders, Kiwi societies have become irrational and undisciplined. (Thankfully not as bad as the USA)

Yes Kiwis your moral mandate and communal understanding has died, only the appearance remains; but eventually even this will wither as rugby, kapa haka and Shortland St hold your focus.

The traditions, habits and laws which gave form to the great community will slowly be discarded by each subsequent generation. The result will be increasing communal dementia with diminishing communal strength — a society floundering into increasing senility.

RIP old New Zealand.

How to Diagnose if a Community is Declining?

Determine if the community is discarding traditional morality, a condition immediately marked by the disappearance of manners which themselves are dictated by morality. Politeness is a prerequisite for public order which is why it is constantly refined by the improving understanding of a waxing community.

The opposite result is documented by Edward Gibbon in his work "The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire" which reveals the decline of the Roman empire was paralleled by a decline in the morality of its citizens. 

Determine if the general use of language is losing discipline, for this can only mean the general use of thought is also losing discipline, which is a decay of understanding. Such a result is indicated by the disappearance of plain speaking from citizens' sentiments. An undeniable symptom of the malaise is the deliberate use of more words than necessary, such as invoking "at this moment in time" instead of "now", or "the state of the art" instead of "latest". And the addition of surplus words such as converting a "riot" into a "riot situation" and "opportunity" into "a window of opportunity".
As well as the blurring of meaning caused by the popular adoption of vague words like "situation, position" and now (circa 2003) "focus". The less precise our language the less precise our thoughts and the less precise our thoughts the more vague our language; which is a self-sustaining cycle of increasing weakness of understanding or as George Orwell put it:
"A man may take to drink because he feels himself to be a failure, and then fail all the more completely because he drinks. It is rather the same thing that is happening to the English language. It becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts."—Politics and the English Language, 1946, which makes decay in the general use of language the indisputable hallmark of a declining civilization.

Consider the community's general attitude to truth; a civilization rises because it pursues truth, it falls when it suppresses truth. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

What do you stand for ?

I personally stand for the removal of crown and judicial immunity. 

Why ?

So that those who run our systems of state are accountable to a fiduciary standard. 

The current system they stand in judgement of themselves- and that is the problem.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Kelvyn Alp- Monetary reform a must

Banking is a glorified ponzi scheme. Every dollar in existence is created on the back of debt. If someone was to ask how much New Zealand is in debt, the answer is simple. It is 100% in debt plus interest. Every loan made creates and instant and irredeemable deficit in the economy. When you take out a mortgage for say $500,000.00 you sign a mortgage agreement or “promise to pay” that then sees the bank credit that debt amount to your account. However the “interest” component is never created at the time of the loan, or at any time in the future, so in effect the total amount to be paid is mathematically impossible to service due to an instant scarcity of funds.
Of course you get some bright sparks that say you can trade your way out of debt (that may work in the short term), but yet again, that too is impossible to service as the majority of the world’s monetary systems operate in the exact same way. So if you borrow money to buy cows and then you breed them to sell to repay your loan plus the interest, someone else is going to have to borrow the money (at interest) you require in order to see you settle your account i.e. debt increased yet again. That is why there are so many wars, as each nation tries to forcibly open up new markets overseas and tries to control the natural resources of those nations to service their home based debts.

The banks risk nothing and they certainly do not loan out depositor’s funds. There are two commonsense reasons why that is not the case 1. Because you do not see the balance of your account rise or fall depending on the bank loans made or as they are repaid, and 2. Even the depositors funds are actually a debt as the funds in the account originally would have had to be borrowed into existence. It’s pretty simple when you know how to count.

Insurance too is a type of casino operation – money paid in premiums versus possible claims made against it. The insurance companies always win, unless they get silly and start to dabble in “investments” that have no hope of continual growth and therefore their under writings are doomed to failure.

Derivatives are a destructive menace also. If you look at the US “Official debt level it is said to be 14 Trillion, yet the derivatives have approximately 700 Trillion that needs to be deleveraged (and will be the final bubble to burst). Make no mistake about it, the world financial system has collapsed and there will be no recovery from it. The whole quantitative easing fiasco is a scam, because only a fool would believe that you can address a debt problem with more loans and increased debt.

Unless you reclaim control of the nation coin, credit and currency, you will be forever at the mercy of the International Banking Mafia and their debt-peddling puppets in parliament that disguise themselves as “honourable” politicians. They are nothing more than cheap political whores that have sold us all out! Monetary Reform is by far the most important issue that needs to be addressed. The IMF and other “creditors” know it’s a scam, yet profit by the control of the nation’s debt. That is when they enforce certain “Economic Reforms” and drive the privatisation agenda so we give up our nation’s real wealth for their imaginary debt.

I see many people actually believe they know what the hell they are talking about, when in reality, they are simply regurgitating the same ill-conceived ideology that has lead to this disaster. The problem is actually simple to fix, but I suppose the simplicity of the solution repeals the minds of those that have been educated just enough to be completely stupid!

Hysteria Means Collapse of Reason and Sanity

The widespread adoption of political rhetoric accepted with emotional hysteria by the gullible public and translated to their voting habits stands as damning proof that the public have progressed beyond stupidity and have reached dementia. 

Intelligence is a fragile commodity and can only be maintained by a sensible and disciplined section of society. 

Once citizens abandon themselves to selfish indulgence, apathy and a diet of trivia, they are discarding not only morality and intelligence, but surrendering themselves to chaos, misery, poverty and madness.

Like that of a doctor patient duty of care relationship, perhaps the politicians should owe a fiduciary obligation they won't abuse the power society have conferred to them ? 

Or should politicians be allowed to continue to milk it for all they can behind the veil of crown immunity which prevent the few remaining intelligent ones from challenging the damage the nations leaders are doing  ?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Speech published by Dr Don Brash

Saving New Zealand: Building A More Prosperous New Zealand

Speech published by Dr Don Brash at 9:00am on 25 Aug 2011 in the following categories: Economy .

Address to Workplace Savings Industry Conference
Pullman Hotel, Auckland
25 August 2011 
Mr Chairman, ladies and gentlemen,
Thank you for inviting me to address your Workplace Savings conference this morning.
I’m here today to present you with a very simple proposition, and that is that to build a more prosperous future for you and your children requires less government, not more.
Today, a great many New Zealanders are having a very hard time making ends meet. 
Everything from tomatoes to All Black jerseys to housing seems to cost more, while our incomes stagnate.
65,000 people between 15 and 24 years of age are unemployed and not in any kind of education or training.  38% of Maori between the age of 15 and 19 are unemployed.
The Prime Minister himself has told us that we are poorer today than we were six years ago.
220,000 children are growing up in benefit-dependent households.
While government debt is low by the standards of some countries – thanks to the surpluses which successive governments ran from 1994 to 2008 and to the sale of some government-owned assets – it’s rising fast; indeed by some $300 million every week, the equivalent of $300 per week for every household of four in the country.
Our net debt to foreign creditors – public sector and private sector – is about 90% of GDP.  That puts us right up there with Greece.  And that ratio looks likely to continue rising over the years ahead according to the government’s own projections.
Despite the Government’s promise to close the gap between incomes in New Zealand and those in Australia by 2025, that gap currently stands at around 38% and seems certain to get wider in the years ahead.
No wonder that the exodus of New Zealanders across the Tasman continues at a rapid pace: most Kiwis can go to Australia and get a significantly higher income, even after allowing for cost of living differences, than they can get here.
All these things are symptoms of two fundamental problems – our poor record of improving productivity and deep structural imbalances in the New Zealand economy.
A low rate of productivity growth was a long-standing feature of the New Zealand economy.  As a result of the reforms of the late eighties and early nineties, productivity growth accelerated sharply.
But this acceleration has reversed in recent years as the Clark-Cullen Government complicated the tax system, re-regulated the labour market, increased regulatory burdens at central and local government level, and generally abandoned any commitment to faster growth – despite their protestations to the contrary.
Today, productivity growth in New Zealand is among the slowest in the developed world, and pathetic compared with the very rapid growth of productivity in the fast developing countries of Eastern Europe and Asia.
And as for structural imbalance, Bill English has pointed out that the export sector has been in recession since 2004, with growth in export volumes being not much more than 1% annually over the last six years – and that despite strong export prices in recent years and a favourable exchange rate against the currency of our largest export market, Australia.  No wonder the current account deficit averaged 8% of GDP between 2005 and 2009. 
Yes, it’s got down to respectable levels over the last year or two, thanks to exceptional export prices and weak import demand because of the recession, but the government’s Budget projects it will be back to near 7% of GDP in a couple of years’ time.  No sign of any reduction in our net indebtedness to foreigners there.
There’s not the slightest point in worrying about foreigners buying a stake in our assets while we continue to have a large current account deficit: one way or another, foreigners will have a greater stake as long as that continues.
To be fair to the National Government, they didn’t create this mess.  For the most part, it was created by the Clark-Cullen Labour Government and, if you like, by the loss of reform momentum on the part of the Bolger-Peters Government of 1996 to 1999.
But the present Government has done far too little to fix the mess.
Yes, the Government has taken some steps to improve our transport infrastructure.  They’ve made a tentative start in improving employment law by introducing a 90 day probationary period in employment contracts – in significant part as a result of pressure from the ACT Party.  They’ve set up a Productivity Commission, again as a result of pressure from the ACT Party.  They’ve made a very tentative start at trying to improve the Resource Management Act.  They’ve announced some first steps towards reforming the welfare system, at least as it affects teenage beneficiaries.  They’ve taken some steps to streamline building consents for construction companies wanting to build houses.  And I applaud these steps.
But relative to the size of the challenge, they are baby steps.  Better, to be sure, than those which most other parties would’ve been willing to contemplate, which is why I’ve already made it clear that ACT would much prefer to support a National Party after the next election than any other party.
But we need much, much more.
The reality is that the “bigger and bigger government model”, which has become typical of virtually all developed countries, is broken, and that is surely evident from the serious economic problems which now face most of them.
The Eurozone looks to be in serious trouble in large part because too many of its members, including some of the biggest, have run up enormous government debts, in some cases well exceeding 100% of GDP – a direct result of governments promising more and more generous spending programmes without being willing to increase taxes to fund that spending.
The United States has a federal budget deficit this year of over 10% of GDP, and the outlook has prompted Laurence Kotlikoff, professor of economics at Boston University, to state in a recent Bloomberg article that “the US is bankrupt”.  He quotes an IMF paper from July last year which notes that “the US fiscal gap associated with today’s federal fiscal policy is huge for plausible discount rates…  Closing the fiscal gap requires a permanent annual fiscal adjustment equal to about 14% of US GDP.”  Professor Kotlikoff puts that in perspective by noting that current US federal revenue totals only 15% of GDP, so that a 14% adjustment would require a permanent doubling of the total tax take – or of course a massive reduction in current and planned federal spending.[1]
Clearly, New Zealand’s not the only economy with problems.  But that’s not much consolation.
Government spending is higher today, as a fraction of the total economy, than it was at any time during the Clark-Cullen Government.  Indeed, between the 2007/08 year and the 2010/11 year, government spending increased by $15.8 billion.  Over the same period, the total economy grew (in nominal terms) by $16.4 billion – meaning that government spending absorbed 96% of all the growth in the economy over that three year period.[2]
Of course, some of the increase in spending was caused by dealing with the consequences of the Christchurch earthquakes, and nobody would’ve expected the Government to walk away from that responsibility.
But most of the increase was a result of the Government’s failure to get core government spending under control, spending which blew out during the last term of the Clark-Cullen Government as a result of some outrageously extravagant electoral bribes.
One of these bribes, of course – described by Bill English at the time as “an election year bribe on an unprecedented scale” – was waiving interest on student loans.  It is entirely unclear to me why the average wage-earner in Otara should be paying most of the cost of educating the children of those on high incomes to be doctors and lawyers.
Another bribe – and I’m sorry to have to make this point at this conference on workplace savings – was the introduction of KiwiSaver.  Let me make it quite clear that KiwiSaver is a wonderful scheme for savers – the subsidies from the government are so generous that if you’re a New Zealand resident under the age of 65 and don’t belong to a KiwiSaver scheme you don’t understand it!
But does KiwiSaver increase national saving?  Almost certainly not.  The only study I’ve seen suggests that KiwiSaver hasprobably increased private sector saving to a very modest extent – most of the private contributions coming not from reduced spending but from a diversion of saving from other areas – but at the cost of very substantial dis-saving by the government, because of the scale of those subsidies.[3]  It’s certainly very hard to see the logic in the government borrowing a billion dollars a year – the cost of the subsidies – most of it from overseas, to achieve a very small increase in private sector savings and the creation of a bunch of KiwiSaver schemes most of which invest most of their money overseas.  
This is not to say that New Zealanders wouldn’t be better off if they saved more than they have historically.  I’m simply saying that KiwiSaver is probably on balance reducing national saving – and indeed, I’m saying that governments all over the world have discovered that they don’t actually know how to increase private saving.
There are lots of other examples of poor quality government spending, introduced by the Clark-Cullen Government, strongly attacked by the National Party in Opposition, but retained by the National Government.
What would the ACT Party like to see happen to build a more prosperous New Zealand – one where every able-bodied person could get a decent job paying wages high enough to enable him or her to live comfortably at a standard of living comparable to the citizens of Australia and other developed countries?
I must first of all insist that there’s no silver bullet.  There’s no magic wand.  There’s no single legislative change which would transform the economy.   Not tax, not employment law, not the RMA.
But there are certainly policy changes which would transform our standard of living.  Many were recommended by the 2025 Taskforce, which I had the privilege of chairing.  They were endorsed by the major business organisations.  But so far most of them have been ignored by the Government.
Some policy changes would require no additional government spending and would have immediate benefit.  (Indeed, they could result in fiscal savings.)
For example, ACT would promptly re-introduce youth minimum wages – or better still, abolish minimum wages entirely for those under 20.  The most important thing for a teenager coming straight out of school or tertiary education is to get into a job without delay, whether that job pays $8 an hour or $13 an hour.  We know that Labour’s abolition of the lower, youth minimum wage in 2008 has hugely increased unemployment among teenagers, as the National Party predicted it would at the time.  It’s a scandalous indictment on the Government that they’ve failed to reverse that cynical decision.
Another measure which could be taken quickly and without fiscal cost would be further reform of employment law.  Employers have repeatedly claimed to me that, especially since the Labour Government’s 2004 amendments to the Employments Relations Act, employment law is heavily stacked against employers, making it harder to improve productivity and leading to considerable compliance costs.
Next, we’d scrap the Emissions Trading Scheme.  Whatever you believe about the causes of climate change, it makes no sense at all for New Zealand – producing a minute fraction of 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions – to have an all sectors, all gasses, ETS when none of our major trading partners has anything similar (of course, Australia is talking about a fixed carbon price, but who knows whether the Australian government will succeed in getting it up, or whether it will last even if they do).  The ETS has already pushed up electricity prices by 5% and petrol prices by 4 cents per litre, and will double that impact by 2013.  Everybody’s cost of living is increasing as a result.
A fourth vitally important measure without fiscal cost would be a radical reform of the RMA, and possibly even the complete replacement of the RMA.  I am in no sense an expert in legislative drafting, but I’ve been regaled with so many horror stories from people – homeowners, farmers, manufacturers, and even government agencies – about the costs and delays caused by the RMA, and the way it has been interpreted by far too many local governments, that I have to conclude that it’s a major obstacle to improved living standards in New Zealand.
Why on earth should a farmer seek approval from anybody to build a hay-barn on his own farm?   Why should an agricultural equipment company in the Wairarapa wait five months to get approval to erect a sign on its own property?  Why does it take more than a year for a local government in Auckland, with the involvement of umpteen staff and consultants, to give approval for the removal of a dangerous palm tree and a poisonous shrub?[4]
It is impossible to avoid the conclusion that the interaction of the RMA, the Local Government Act and local government staff all over the country has produced a major obstacle to improved living standards.
One of the ways this has happened is through the way in which this interaction has pushed the price of housing well beyond the reach of far too many New Zealanders – or more accurately, has pushed the price of residential land well beyond the reach of far too many New Zealanders.
We know, from the annual surveys undertaken by the Demographia organisation, that housing in our major cities is now among the most expensive in the world, relative to household incomes.  And why?  In large part because too many local governments have quite deliberately limited the supply of residential land. 
Arthur Grimes, now chairman of the Reserve Bank, found that the effect of the Metropolitan Urban Limit imposed by the Auckland Regional Council had increased the price of land just inside that Limit by some 10 times compared with the price of land just outside the Limit.  
This is absolutely nuts, in a situation where New Zealand is one of the most under-populated countries in the world, and where Auckland is one of the most densely populated cities in the world – in terms of people per square kilometre, Auckland is more densely populated than Vancouver, Melbourne, Portland, Adelaide, Perth or Brisbane.
I’m delighted that one of the first projects of the newly-established Productivity Commission is to look into the affordability of housing.
And of course of fundamental importance is making a start on reducing government spending as a share of the economy.  Over the next three or four years, ACT would seek to reduce government spending to below 30% of GDP, the level it was at at the end of Labour’s second term in office in 2005. 
Government spending should be focused on doing the things that only governments can do efficiently – such as maintaining law and order, defending our borders, and providing a range of “public goods” – and on providing assistance to those who most need assistance.  It should not extend to providing subsidies for me to go to the doctor, or my son to go to university, or my grandchildren to save into a KiwiSaver account.
Longer term, as the economy grew, we would want to get the government share of the economy to a lower level, perhaps 25%, as it was for much of our history up to the mid-seventies.
Reducing government spending in this way would make it feasible to reduce the tax burden on the community.  Unfortunately, given the extent to which the government is now spending well ahead of its revenue receipts, there’s no scope for immediate tax reductions until spending is brought under control.
Should taxes be increased in preference to a reduction in government spending in order to eliminate the government’s borrowing requirement?  That argument is almost always brought by those who are paying little or no tax themselves.  It’s important to remember that a very large number of so-called “taxpayers” actually pay no net income tax at all – in other words, they are in receipt of more cash payments from the government than they pay in income tax.  A person earning $50,000 a year, with a partner and two children, actually receives $218 more from the Working for Families programme than she pays in income tax, whereas the person earning $100,000 in the same family circumstances pays a net $24,000.  After adjusting for all cash transfers from the government, the top 10% of taxpayers already pay 76% of “net income tax”.  Increasing the share of tax paid by higher income earners still further would run the serious risk of encouraging them to leave!
What about the scope to squeeze more tax revenue from the company sector?   Well, the Government did that in its 2010 Budget – the Government ostensibly reduced the tax on company profits from 30% to 28% but simultaneously changed the depreciation and other rules, resulting in an effective increase in the tax on company profits of about 1%.
And at the moment, our company tax rate is still above the average company tax rate in small developed countries – and of course well above the rate in countries like Singapore and Hong Kong.  There’s no scope at all for increasing the company tax rate if we wish to attract more investment in New Zealand.
As government spending is brought under control, the ACT Party would be aiming at a major reduction in tax rates.
One option would be to lower the top personal, company and trust tax rates to a common rate.  Harmonising those rates has a lot to commend it in terms of the efficiency of the tax system.  The 2025 Taskforce calculated that if government spending were reduced to 29% of GDP, where it was in 2005 at the end of Labour’s second term in office, those rates could be harmonised at 20%.[5] (Note that that is different from a flat tax rate of 20% - it’s the alignment of the top rates at 20%.)  Without having access to the detailed modeling which the Treasury can do, I believe that it would still be possible to harmonise the top personal, company and trust tax rates at 21% were government spending reduced to where it was, relative to GDP, in 2005.[6]
Alternatively, it would be feasible, by accepting a continuing difference between the company tax rate on the one hand and the personal and trust tax rates on the other, to radically reduce the company tax rate, to perhaps 10 or 15%, with the top personal and trust tax rates remaining at, say, 28%.  
This would not be designed to reward the ACT Party’s “rich mates”, as some commentators will no doubt be quick to argue, but rather to increase investment.  The only way to increase the incomes of wage and salary earners in New Zealand is to make New Zealand a more attractive place to invest.  It’s increasingly clear that capital moves quickly in response to differences in tax rates, so it’s therefore highly desirable that New Zealand has a company tax rate which stands out, and attracts both local and international investment in New Zealand.
For the longer term, far-reaching welfare reform and reform of the education system will be vitally important if we are to achieve higher living standards. 
Far too many working age adults – some 350,000 in all – are now dependent for all their income on a taxpayer-funded benefit.  That’s not only a huge direct cost to the taxpayer – well in excess of $1 million an hour – it’s also a huge indirect cost because of the effects on those who have become dependent on such benefits – costs of alcohol and drug abuse, child abuse, domestic violence and all the rest.   The ACT Party has some strong views about how these problems should be tackled, but these are the subject for another day.
I spoke about the need to reform our education system just a few days ago. But it’s very clear that while one in five children leave school functionally illiterate we have little prospect of achieving the kind of living standards we want for them and for the rest of us.  That must change.
For the very long term, it will be important to take steps to ensure the fiscal viability of New Zealand Superannuation.   New Zealand Superannuation is, by international standards, a very good scheme – it’s a major factor in New Zealand’s having some of the lowest rates of poverty among over 65 year olds in the developed world, at a relatively low fiscal cost.[7]  But of course, that situation is going to change as the baby boomers hit 65 about now.  Every objective observer can see that the age of entitlement has to rise gradually over the next 10 years or so, as is happening in many other developed countries. 
Of course, that does not mean that the retirement age needs to change – people are, and should be, free to retire when they choose.  It just means that the age at which other taxpayers pick up the tab will have to gradually rise, and it’s an indictment on both John Key and Phil Goff that neither of them seems willing to be honest with New Zealanders about that reality.
And in case you think I’ve forgotten the P word, no, I haven’t.  Hands up all those who think that governments run commercial businesses better than private owners do?  The evidence is overwhelming that, while there may be a very few exceptions, private owners, with their own money at stake, run businesses much more efficiently than do government shareholders.  For this reason, the ACT Party favours the sale of government-owned businesses, and supports National’s rather timid proposal to sell minority stakes in four of the SOEs. 
An issue which I don’t propose to discuss today – but which I will discuss in another speech at some stage – is whether laws around Maori property, and other Maori issues, are an impediment to faster growth.  Suffice it to say at this point that I believe there are issues there which reduce New Zealand living standards, and particularly those of Maori New Zealanders.  It should also be noted that the policies which I’ve outlined this morning would be of enormous benefit to Maori New Zealanders, as to all New Zealanders.
So much for the policy changes which the ACT Party favours to move us towards a more prosperous New Zealand.
There are three institutional changes which we also favour.
First, we want to see legislation passed which would constrain the future growth of government spending – legislation similar to that introduced by Rodney Hide a few weeks ago, constraining the growth in government spending to the growth in inflation and population.  In other words, legislation which would aim to hold core Crown expenses constant in real per capita terms. 
Of course, we’d like to see government spending reduced as a share of GDP, as I’ve explained.  But we believe there’d also be very considerable merit in trying to increase the difficulty which governments would have to overcome before they increased government spending.  At the moment, as Labour showed in 2005 and subsequently, it’s just too easy for governments to increase spending – they know that taking $1,000 off one taxpayer and giving $200 to each of five taxpayers wins them four votes, and that becomes hugely difficult for future governments to reverse, as National proves very clearly.
Second, we want to see legislation passed which would make it harder for governments to pass laws and regulations which would impinge on the rights of citizens – again, in line with the legislation introduced a few weeks ago by Rodney Hide.  Too often in the past, laws and regulations have been passed which involve massive costs to many people.  I’ve already mentioned the abolition of youth minimum wage rates, in cynical disregard for the effect of that move on youth unemployment.  The OECD has noted that New Zealand has slipped well below best practice in product market regulation, while the 2025 Taskforce cited one estimate that lifting the quality of regulation in New Zealand to world’s best practice could by itself close a third of the income gap with Australia.[8]
The RMA is a classic example of a law passed with little consideration of the costs imposed, or for whether the costs are commensurate with the benefits.  I visited a farm in the Waikato a few days ago, and was told that planners retained by the district council had designated large parts of the farm as having “outstanding landscape value”.  As a consequence, the farmer had lost his right to build on that land without getting approval from the district council, and no thought at all had been given to compensating the farmer for that considerable loss of value.
And finally, and related to the last point, we’d want to see the Bill of Rights amended to protect the property rights of citizens.  It’s far too easy for governments to ride roughshod over those rights, without any thought of compensation for the people whose property is affected.  Too often, the community acquires something of perceived benefit – often a perceived environmental benefit – without any cost to the community as a whole, but at very considerable cost to those whose property is in some way constrained.   One of the many things making investment less attractive in New Zealand than it needs to be is this current disregard with which property rights are treated in New Zealand.
So there you have it: the ACT Party prescription for a more prosperous New Zealand. 
Mr Chairman, I’m seeking re-election to Parliament for one simple reason: my children and grand-children.  This is, perhaps, a rather extreme example of special interest politics, but I make no apology for it because what’s good for my children and grand-children is good for your children and grand-children also.
There’s absolutely no good reason why New Zealand can’t again lead the world in living standards, with good jobs paying good wages for all New Zealanders.  We can eliminate poverty and give our children and grand-children the option of having a good life here or a good life abroad.  Our children shouldn’t feel they have to leave for the sake of their own children.  We can provide world-class education and world-class healthcare to all New Zealanders, not just the rich.  If this is extreme, then I gladly accept the label.
Most political parties promise to make you more prosperous by having a bigger and more active government. 
The ACT Party contends that the only way to deliver a better life for you and your children is through less government.

[1] “US is bankrupt and we don’t even know it”, Laurence Kotlikoff, Bloomberg, 11 August 2010.
[2] “2011 Budget”, page 186.
[3] How much new saving will KiwiSaver produce? by J. Gibson and T. Le, Waikato University, 2008.
[4], 8 September 2009.
[5] Answering the $64,000 Question: closing the income gap with Australia by 2025, First report of the 2025 Taskforce, pp. 96-103.
[6] Working from the projections in the 2011 Budget on page 186, government spending is projected to be 32.5% of GDP in 2012/13, with a 1.3% OBEGAL deficit.  If government spending were reduced to 29%, this would permit the elimination of the 1.3% deficit and free up 2.2% of GDP for tax reductions.  On the basis of the Treasury Ready Reckoner, this would permit harmonization at 21%.
[7] OECD statistics indicate that no OECD country has a lower level of poverty among over 65 year olds than New Zealand does, whereas Australia has one of the highest levels of poverty among over 65 year olds.  Over 65 year olds in New Zealand are also the age cohort which have the lowest level of poverty of any age cohort within New Zealand.  (SeePensions at a Glance 2009: Retirement Income Schemes in OECD countries, OECD, 2009, p. 64.)
[8] Answering the $64,000 Questionop.cit., p.116. 

Tyranny Grows


Tyranny Grows in Leadership ?

Once any community embraces tyranny the penalties can only grow in severity. This gradual increase is easily seen by the examples that have occurred within political parties/political management and law society where individuals who speak out are attacked and ejected. 

As the members of the club became more concerned about the delights of power and socialising and less concerned about the disciplines of their fiduciary responsibility, they became more intolerant of honest members and outside people who were concerned over duty of care issues. 

Yet the moment these honest persons who did their duty by truthfully pointing out the shortcomings in the fiduciary performance of those in control they are just labelled as idiots and fools. They become labelled as outsiders.
The selfish cycle is irreversible because the appearance of a selfish majority means the community has lost its attachment to its morality; the source of its strength and understanding has gone. The rational and disciplined leaders of society have become irrational and undisciplined. 

Their moral mandate and communal understanding has died, only the appearance remains, but eventually even this will wither. The traditions, habits and laws which gave form to the community will slowly be discarded by each subsequent generation. The result will be increasing communal dementia with diminishing communal strength — a society floundering into increasing senility. 

That is why I only talk one solution for politics- the removal of immunity by the introduction of fiduciary law.

When Galileo asserted that the earth circled the sun, he was relating the evidence of his senses, however, such a claim contradicted official dogma that our planet was the centre of the universe and he was attacked by the authorities. The only way execution could be avoided by the scientist was to recant.

Prejudice Distorts Comprehension

The people who wanted to kill the enquirer of truth were clearly mad, they wanted to attack anyone who questioned their beliefs rather than consider the evidence. This irrational behavior shows another difficulty involved with using intelligence. Both sides in the argument possessed the faculty, but one side were deluded and dangerous. Prejudice, a desire to accept a belief for personal reasons, is a very powerful threat to comprehension. It will not only prevent an idea being considered but corrupt the ability of our senses to detect evidence to the contrary.

“the Roman government appeared every day less formidable to its enemies, more odious and oppressive to its subjects.’
------Edward Gibbons ‘The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’

From Competent to Incompetent

The circumstances surrounding Government / Law / Human Rights failures has been suggested to have been caused by the nature of the management- for example, like a power company where electrical engineers are replaced by accountants with an inevitable degradation in facility. Such a change represents a change of policy, from what engineers are concerned with—achievement in their field— to what accountants are concerned with—profit. 

A change from dutiful fiduciary "duty of care concerns to self-seeking/ self bias, which is from competence to incompetence.

Social Decline Irreversible?

 - The selfish cycle is irreversible because the appearance of a selfish majority means the community has lost its attachment to its morality; the source of its strength and understanding has gone. The rational and disciplined society has become irrational and undisciplined. The communal understanding has died, only the appearance remains, but eventually even this will wither. The traditions, habits and laws which gave form to the community will slowly be discarded by each subsequent generation. The result will be increasing communal dementia with diminishing communal strength — a society floundering into increasing senility. That is why I only talk one solution for politics- the removal of immunity by the introduction of fiduciary law.

Politicians promises?

Politicians promises?" and if we don't hold up our promises here is each of our members personal cheque for $200,000 in favour of a charity" - in other words a contract that will bind the politicians words - I would like to see that type of contract placed on every person who stands for parliament. I cornered Helen Clark about politicians failing and of having no accountability- she argued they are accountable to an election which means jack shit to the individuals who suffer from foolish government.

The sly politician

The sly politician who manages to keep getting elected despite growing unemployment and increasing national debt just doesn't care they are bankrupting their own community, or that they only keep their jobs by promoting public delusion.

Those who read my material- and who think clearly realise I push people to think without emotion and bias, and to think clearly with the  facts. I push fiduciary law because it holds those we trust to run our systems of state to be fully accountable. Yet as perfect as that suggestion is- very few see it as the answer. They still think their choice of politician will solve their world's problems.  Philip Atkinson in the article linked below this post really hits the nail on the head- where he says society as a mass are hopelessly stupid and from that concludes we will decline just as every other civilisation before us has done.  

Philip Atkinson- 'A Study Of Our Decline' must reading

 Philip Atkinson is extremely interesting because he confirms what I was told by former NZ PM David Lange- 

"People get the politicians they deserve" 

Atkinson in one of his lines said in essence that instead of having interest in hopeless bureaucracy he turned his attention to realising that society was hopeless.

 Something I have come to realise and it is a major problem with human management. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Royal Commission Outcomes

Tell me one Royal Commission that has not made the lawyers millions-one where the report says something we don't already know-and one where the recommendations have been implemented.

NZ is...

New Zealand is not a deregulated economy- it is driven by red tape and idiots in power with zero accountability- they have caused the harm including leaky buildings-failed finance companies-bank monopolies- sold key strategic good earning foundation assets- etc

How To Build a People’s Movement

Now’s the time to challenge economic orthodoxy—but only a massive social movement can turn things around.
Document Actions
Face in protest photo by Elvert Barnes
Photo by Elvert Barnes.
The United States is entering the fourth year of its deepest downturn since the Great Depression. The official unemployment rate is rising again, and labor force participation among many groups has plummeted to historic lows. A stillborn economic “recovery” has distributed 88 percent of its benefits to corporate profits and one percent to wages and salaries. The financial press is full of warnings that we have forgotten the causes of the collapse and are doomed to repeat it. Ordinary Americans, pollsters tell us, have little faith that the economy will improve, and attribute hard times to the misdeeds of capitalists.
If ever there was a time to challenge economic orthodoxy, this would be it. Yet there has been no effective movement in the United States to ease the suffering of millions, shift patterns of growth and investment, and make job creation a priority. Handed opportunity on a silver platter, progressives have failed to seize it. Understanding that failure is the key to reversing it.

Why no jobs movement?

The most immediate explanation is that there has been no mass protest by the jobless. Since the beginning of the recession, none of the pillars of the progressive community—organized labor, community organizations, civil rights groups, youth and student groups—have invested deeply in organizing the unemployed. Some online jobless networks have emerged, particularly around the extension of unemployment benefits, but they’ve acquired little focus, mass, or momentum.
Three decades of conservative politics have legitimated a radically individualistic ethos and eroded the once widespread belief that unemployment is a collective problem that society is responsible for fixing.
To be fair, the challenges of organizing the jobless are formidable. In contrast to past recessions, today’s unemployed are widely dispersed rather than concentrated in particular industries, constituencies, or communities. They often hold themselves responsible for their condition and feel a strong sense of shame and powerlessness. Three decades of conservative politics have legitimated a radically individualistic ethos and eroded the once widespread belief that unemployment is a collective problem that society is responsible for fixing.
Moreover, the solutions to large-scale unemployment aren’t obvious. There is no shortage of thoughtful and creative ideas for job creation: infrastructure banks, work-sharing, community jobs, “on-bill” financing of energy projects, worker-owned businesses, lowering (not raising) the normal retirement age. But none of these has captured the imagination of progressives, much less the public at large. Without a compelling solution to point to, it is difficult to sustain protest.
Behind this policy conundrum is a more fundamental political obstacle. Progressives generally assume that public concern about unemployment translates into support for aggressive government intervention. But the majority of Americans believe that only business –not the public sector – can create “real” jobs. A fundamental skepticism about government has led many to conclude that cutting public spending is the best way to create jobs, or to accept high unemployment as “the new normal.” Winning policy change in this climate requires more than good ideas; it requires mass political education.
Without the reality of people in motion, it is hard to generate a sense of hope and potential for collective action.
All of these problems are mutually reinforcing.  In the absence of a mass movement, ideas for change have little weight. In the absence of strong, compelling ideas, people lack the confidence to challenge ideological orthodoxy. Without the reality of people in motion, it is hard to generate a sense of hope and potential for collective action.
In sum, progressive efforts to promote job creation face a classic threshold problem. Incremental strategies—whether in the form of policy analysis, public education, community organizing, or local economic development projects—have a hard time getting lift off. The issue is simply too big, too baked into our economic and political structure. Only something on the order of a social movement can achieve the scale and intensity required to shake up the status quo and create space for a serious effort at job creation.


Social movements, by nature, cannot be programmed, but neither are they entirely spontaneous. As the right has demonstrated in recent years, certain activities and investments can foster the conditions from which movements emerge. These activities include:  
Relentless outreach and recruitment: The current base of progressive activists is simply not large enough or broad enough to support an effective movement for jobs. We need to bring in lots of new people—hundreds of thousands if not millions—who are jobless themselves or passionately concerned about the impact of unemployment on their communities.
Americans have an intense hunger for authentic conversation about what is happening to their country, and a strong desire to work with others in their community to create jobs and renew the economy.
Creating space for authentic conversations: Movement-building requires opportunities for people to make sense of their personal experience, in reflection and conversation with others.  Some of this must be in person, in small groups that offer diverse perspectives with sufficient intimacy to build trust. Online and social media are great tools for exchange of ideas and mobilization of people, but they do not substitute for face-to-face conversation.
Identifying and nurturing grassroots leadership: Social movements rely on a deep stratum of leaders with the capacity for autonomous action and close alignment on values, principles, and goals. These leaders often seem to appear out of nowhere, but they are usually the product of an active cultivation process that includes information, training, and political education.  Like authentic conversations, leadership can be facilitated through online tools but almost always requires some “face time” and one-on-one relationships to thrive.
Developing a clear story: Ask a progressive why so many Americans are unemployed, and the answers one might get include Wall Street, free trade, corporate criminality, lack of public investment, structural inequality, bad schools, a flawed growth model, and much more. There is truth to all of these explanations, but they don’t add up to a cogent story. Creating a coherent economic narrative means choosing some elements to highlight and subordinating others. The same goes for policy solutions—if the list is too long, no one will remember it, much less fight for it.
Building strategic alliances: Movement-building is not well served by a progressive ecosystem dominated by short-term, transactional relationships. Even when progressive organizations play well together at the tactical level there is too little strategic coordination to take on really big, ambitious projects—like full employment. We need to create deep institutional partnerships that build on the complementary strengths of organizations and focus talent and resources on the hardest challenges.

Putting it into practice

These are the guiding aims of a new project on jobs and the economy by the Center for Community Change and its affiliate, Change Nation. Through conscious experimentation, we seek to build a robust network of community-led “action pods” that can simultaneously pursue local job creation strategies and unite around a common national agenda.
59TOC Van JonesWant Jobs? Reclaim the Dream
Van Jones is leading a national mobilization to rebuild the middle class—through decent work, fair taxes, and opportunities for all.
At present, for example, we are using a movement-building model originally developed by the National Organizing Institute to train thousands of grassroots leaders in how to connect their own personal story to a broader economic narrative. We are collaborating with Van Jones and a host of national groups to develop a working message on the economy and a short list of demands for change. And in partnership with and other groups, we conducted more than 1,000 house meetings on July 16-17 where Americans could meet with their neighbors to make sense of their experience with the economy.
It is too early to predict what will come of these experiments. What we have learned for certain is that Americans have an intense hunger for authentic conversation about what is happening to their country, and a strong desire to work with others in their community to create jobs and renew the economy.
Portia Bougler was amazed when 21 neighbors—ranging from age 16 to 85—showed up at her house meeting in Chillicothe, Ohio. “We had to keep grabbing chairs, but I was thrilled by what people said, their passion and commitment for change. Everyone signed up to volunteer.” Similar reports came from meetings in living rooms, urban cafes, suburban diners, homeless shelters, and hundreds of other venues across the country. If this energy can be captured and sustained, we can create a national jobs movement, a movement of scale with soul.    

Seth Borgos wrote this article for YES! Magazine, a national, nonprofit media organization that fuses powerful ideas and practical actions. Seth is director of research and program development at the Center for Community Change. He has also worked for the National Campaign for Jobs and Income Support, an alliance of more than 100 grassroots organizations, the Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program, and ACORN. He is the co-author of This Mighty Dream, a pictorial history of social change movements in the United States.
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