Sunday, May 6, 2012

Why do we have to suffer idiots in government power?

My question is why do business people and ordinary citizens have to suffer idiots in government power who make either corrupt or negligent decisions?

After all government are entrusted by the people to manage the nation. The relationship is clearly a fiduciary one, yet the victim of the failings are powerless to do anything about it because the people trusted to manage government take upon themselves a get out of jail card called crown immunity which means victims and nation suffers with zero recourse to victims.

Given NZ has and continues to suffer financial armageddon surely it is time to create a level and reasonable playing-field where decision makers are accountable to a fiduciary standard.

If the argument is raised that no one would take the job then why not try some system that at least allows the problems to be raised before some form of grand jury with the penalty being the sack.

Surely that would create a political / bureaucratic incentive to lift their game- would it not? 

It appears with the immunity in place we have politicians more interested in self interest and the results speak for themselves we are going down the drain.  

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