Tuesday, August 25, 2015

IPA - International Political Accountability Society - Accountability of Politicians through Fiduciary Legislation

Democracy is not dead- it’s simply been hijacked by our dear leaders who have used their fiduciary trustee control at executive level to remove any real methods for ordinary people of accessing accountability from them.
And as history has shown, if you’re immune to fiduciary control, you have the ability to destroy society. It is unfortunate political management has become a game rather than a focus on their legal fiduciary obligation.
The answer is clear. Accountability of politicians through fiduciary legislation. Government’s politicians have abused power since nation and states began. Democracy is undermined by weak political accountability structures. Democratic leaders are meant to act in public interest but we haven’t had much of that and the damage being done by them is increasing.
Government is a 'trust structure' created by people to manage the needs of society. The relationship between government and the governed is clearly a fiduciary one. Yet rules such as Sovereign Immunity or Crown and Judicial Immunity are now being targeted as the very tools of oppression that are preventing those being abused from taking action against the person controlling the laws of a country. Originating from within the courts of equity, the fiduciary concept was partly designed to prevent those holding positions of power from abusing their authority.
Modern arguments suggest anyone accepting any judicial, political or government control over the interests of people requires moral obligations of the highest responsibility and trust. Its conduct should therefore be judged by the most exacting fiduciary standards. The fiduciary relationship arises from the government’s ability to control people with the exercise of that power. In effect, if a government has the power to abolish any rights then they are burdened with the fiduciary duty to protect such an interest because the government would benefit from the exercise of its own discretion to extinguish rights which it alone had the power to dispose of.
Time to act- time to push for fiduciary legislation because of the fiduciary's fail- the nation fails.
Watch this space

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