Monday, February 14, 2011

Protest Poster - print scream and spread around please

Protest at Parliament

Sunday 1st of May 2011

Politicians Judges and Lawyers are destroying New Zealand

Protest Against "Idiots in Power"

Our Politicians, Judges and Lawyers are destroying New Zealand

Time for New Rules- we the people own government - it is a trust structure we own - but for 25 years they have been failing and our country is fast being destroyed 

We demand - access to a jury to hear the problems people have with government/crown/judicial systems that;-
1- Doesn't care
2- Has no common sense
3- Has a hidden agenda
4- Is corrupt 
5- Is set up to make money for others at our expense
We need the problem harming us removed- we demand the removal of Crown and Judicial Immunity
Immunity politicians and judges hide behind is destroying NZ because we can't hold them accountable
Can't afford can't understand endless prices rises for- food, rent, mortgage, power, gas, insurance?
Sick of- NZ going down the drain, politicians, injustice, propaganda media?


  1. So nice and great words that you uttered. You are correct of our politicians, judges and lawyears damage our own land. No any rules. Rules always stress to needy, helpless and powerless peoples.

    Who are corrupted or use illegal power or idiot power they are so much honorable in here. For this our every sectors has damaging day by day. I dont know how to free from ? who to do free from ? They are most of all educated disability. So first to wake up that this is real path and that is wrong.

    Thanks a lot for your great realization. That means you can to differentiate

  2. Is this protest going ahead on the aforementioned date or will it be postponed pending progress in Christchurch?
